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The Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried Kiss is Alright

There's been a lot of hype about the lesbian kiss between Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried in Jennifer's Body, and while it's still pretty awesome on a fantasy level, it doesn't quite deliver on the hype. This ain't Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair in Cruel Intentions, or Denise Richards and Neve Campbell in Wild Things. Hell, it's not even Scarlett Johansson and Penelope Cruz in Vicky Christina Barcelona, which while hot, was brief. Which is what this kiss is too. Not that I'm complaining. Any Megan Fox lesbian action is more than welcome, especially when the other girl is Amanda Seyfried. I'd just like a little more for my money, you know?

Megan Fox Amanda Seyfried Lesbian Kiss PicturesWatch the Video:

Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried Lesbian Kiss

Update: Egotastic! reader Riley writes in with some very interesting information about the kissing scene, and how what we see here is supposedly just a very small taste of the action, which happens to include tongue... Here's hoping!

The article and photos of the Megan Fox/Amanda Seyfried lesbian kissing pictures are inaccurate, in that in the actual movie itself, the kiss lasts for a good 30 seconds and even features some tongue action. obviously you were just posting what was given and commenting on that, but i think it's fair to tell your readers (most of whom probably haven't seen Jennifer's Body yet) that the kiss in the film is waaay longer and waaay hotter.


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