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It's Aubrey's Party And She'll Leave If She Wants To!

Thursday night was Aubrey o'Days's first official "opening night" with the Peepshow topless review in Las Vegas.

Unfortunately, things didn't go very well for the skanky star!

Sources reveal exclusively to that while show may have gone well, after hours, things got a little awkward.

To celebrate the newest addition to the Peepshow, a party was thrown in Auberella's honor. All of the other girls were in attendance, including the show's star - Holly madison, but noticeably absent was Aubrey herself!

Our sources say that Skanky only made a very VERY brief appearancebefore skipping out from the event. "She claimed that she was feeling sick, but she was lying," a show insider tells us. As we understand it, the only thing wrong with her is that she can't seem to find a way to get along with the cast and crew.

In fact, we're told they HATE her!

"No one likes Aubrey," a Peepshow source tells us. "She hasn't made an effort to be liked, doesn't really talk to or socialize with any of the other cast and just thinks she's above it all."

Honey! She's D+ list, at best!

Furthermore, she couldn't have been that sick last night, as her twitter shows she was Tweeting until at least 1 a.m. Friday morning.


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